Dr. James Charnel Anderson: Writer

Professor of History (Catedrático) Inter American University, Metropolitan Campus

Education: Ph.D. George Washington University, Latin American History, 1970 M.L.S., University of Puerto Rico, Library Science, 1978 M.A., George Washington University, Government, 1960 B.A., McNeese University, History and English, 1958

Experience Professor of History, Inter American University, 1968-to present Assistant Professor of History, McNeese University, 1967-1968 Visiting Professor of History, Faculdade de Filosofia, Crato, Ceara, Brazil, 1967 Peace Corps Volunteer, Ceara, Brazil, 1965-1967 Research Assistant, HUMRRO, George Washington U., 1962-1964 Selection Officer, Peace Corps, Washington, D.C., 1961-1962

Principal Publications The Spanish American War in the New York Time, Writers Circle Fetschrift , Plaza Mayor, San Juan, 2005 The American Presence in Puerto Rico (Chapter I Historical Background), Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas: San Juan, P.R., 1998 American Ships and Seamen in Puerto Rico During the Age of Sail, The Tropic Times: San Juan, P.R. (various issues), 1991-1992 1830: Analysis of a Year of Trade between San Juan and the United States, SER: Revista de Literatura, Inter American University: San Juan, P.R., no.1, 1984 An Analysis of Americans in Quien es Quien in Puerto Rico 1933-1949, Homines: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, San Juan, P.R., vol.8 no.1, enero-junio, 1984 Was the United States Interested in Puerto Rico Before 1898? An Inquiry Based on the New York Times, Homines: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, San Juan, P.R., vol. 6, no.1, Enero-Junio, 1982

Honors Scholar in Residence, Hispanic Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Summer 1999 Pilar Barbosa Puerto Rico Congressional Internship, Summer 1999 Outstanding Teacher Award, English Trimester Program, Inter American University, 1998 Distinguished Teacher Award, Golden Key Society, Inter American U. Chapter, 1996 Fellow, National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar, Tulane University, 1976

Recent Conferences Using Primary Sources to Teach History; Baldwin School, March 2005 Pre-Columbian Civilizations of Puerto Rico; Baldwin School, November 2004 Humor in Brazilian Literatura de Cordel; Association for the Study of Humor in Hispanic Literature, San Juan, April 2003 The Foraker Act; Radio WOSO (series of news casts), April-June 2000 The Spanish American War in the New York Times; IAU Senate, Spring 1999 American Influence in Puerto Rico in the 19th Century; Spanish American War Centennial Celebration, San Juan, February 1998 Americans in Puerto Rico; WOSO Radio, April 1998 Spanish American War Day-by- Day; WOSO Radio (with news announcer Gary Taumenin), April- October 1998 Spanish American War in Puerto Rico; Retired Officers Club, Ft. Buchanan, 1998 Santiago de Cuba on the Eve of the Spanish American War; UPR , 1998

Research in Progress U.S. - Puerto Rican Relations in the 19th Century U.S. Consuls in Puerto Rico (1815-1898) Puerto Rico in World War I English Language Journalism in Puerto Rico 1898 to present The American Community in Puerto Rico in the 20th Century. The Prohibition Era in Puerto Rico. American Teachers in Puerto Rico, 1898-1920

Recent Committee Participation AVANCE committee (spring 2005- present). Distance Learning Committee (2004) Middle States Self-Study Committee; Missions and Goals Sub-Committee (2003-2004). Faculty Writers Circle (1990- present) History Graduate Planning Committee (2000-present) Centennial Committee for the Celebration of the Spanish-American War (1997-1998).

Dr. Leroy Ford: Senior Advisor

Dr. Ford serves as senior adviser to the president on all aspects of the ministry of CTTW.

A native of Oklahoma, Dr. Ford became a Christian at the age of 14. He received his B.A. degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford. He taught business education in high school and then worked as a training specialist with the United States War Department.

Following a call to Christian ministry in 1947, Dr. Ford attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) in Fort Worth, Texas, receiving the MRE degree. He served as minister of education and music of churches in Oklahoma and Texas and as Minister of Education, First Baptist Church, Norman, Oklahoma. He returned to Southwestern Seminary and earned the EdD degree while teaching at Texas Wesleyan College in Fort Worth.

From the mid-50s to the mid-60s, Dr. Ford served at the Baptist Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. He became an authority in the field of training and learning and played a key role in curriculum development for the Southern Baptist Convention.

Dr. Ford joined the faculty at SWBTS in 1966 as Professor of Programmed Instruction in Religious Education. Later he became Professor of Foundations of Religious Education. He was instrumental in the development of a course description book for the degree programs in the School of Religious Education. He led in the development of the seminary audiovisual learning center, the curriculum lab and the continuing education program.

A prolific writer, Dr. Ford has written over 15 books on learning theory and methods. He developed a cartooned-writing technique for a series of books on instruction methodology. His books are used in churches as well as in colleges and seminaries in the United States and abroad. Several of his books have been translated into many languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian and Japanese. His book, Design for Teaching and Training, is a classic in the field of interactive learning and instruction. He translated the theological aspects of the works of Netzahualcouyotl, a pre-Hispanic intellectual of Mexico, and compiled Noble Thoughts from the Aztec World.

Dr. Ford has led curriculum design and interactive writing workshops and conferences in many parts of the world, including Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia and Indonesia. He served as lecturer at the Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi and the Universidad Autonoma de Guanajuato. He has led workshops and conferences in seminaries, Bible schools, churches, and denominational and professional organizations throughout the United States.

In 1998 LifeWay Christian Resources of the SBC designated Dr. Ford “the father of interactive writing for Southern Baptists.” His workshops and leadership resulted in the development of many interactive courses, including curricula like The Survival Kit for New Christians, MasterLife, Experiencing God, The Mind of Christ and the Beth Moore interactive courses.

Dr. Ford has been a major influence on the field of Christian education throughout the world. Campbell Wyckoff, Professor of Christian Education Emeritus, Princeton Theological Seminary, wrote: “No one has done so much as LeRoy Ford to put good learning theory to work in theological education or been so utterly consistent in theory and practice. LeRoy Ford is today’s leading exemplar of rationale lesson planning and curriculum planning.”

Dr. Lorin Cranford: Bible and Theology Editor / Writer

Dr. Cranford makes sure all of the study guides are biblically correct and theologically sound. He also is a writer for the ministry.

“After pastoring two churches over a ten-year period (one in a ranching community [First Baptist Church, Graford, Texas] and the second one, a multi-staff church in Fort Worth, Texas [Springdale Baptist Church]), I accepted an invitation to join the faculty of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth in 1974. I served as Professor of New Testament and Greek from 1974-1997 in the School of Theology. During that time I also helped develop the Modern Languages Study Program and served as its Director from 1983 to 1994. This responsibility involved directing four semester programs of study in German, French, Latin, Spanish and Arabic as a part of the preparatory work for seminary students entering the PhD program in the School of Theology. I also taught the advanced Theological German courses in that program. Also during this period I served as interim pastor, Bible conference teacher and revival preacher at a large number of churches in the north Texas region.

“During the time spent at Southwestern Seminary I had the opportunity to spend two year-long sabbatic leaves from my seminary responsibilities. The first sabbatical was spent as a guest research professor at the University of Bonn, Germany. During that year I gave some lectures (in German) at the German Baptist Seminary, then located in Hamburg. The second leave was spent at the University of Heidelberg where I served as guest research professor. During that year I received invitations to deliver lectures in German at the universities in Bonn, Gottingen and Heidelberg. Additionally, I preached (in German) in a number of German Baptist churches. During the summer before the beginning of the academic year at Heidelberg in October, I studied French at the Alliance Francaise in Paris, France. During the summer I was invited to preach in several French Baptist congregations.

“As a developing New Testament scholar I felt the need to become conversant in a number of foreign languages, both ancient and modern, in order to explore the interpretation of the Greek text of the New Testament more thoroughly. This involved gaining at least a reading ability in Hebrew, Koine and Classical Greek, some Coptic, Latin, German and French. From 1982 through 1997 I was asked to teach a year-long PhD seminar in New Testament Critical Methodology, and then, beginning in 1992, I began also teaching the year-long New Testament History PhD seminar. These languages, and more, were heavily used in the teaching of these two doctoral seminars.

“In December, 1997 I took retirement from Southwestern Seminary and accepted the invitation to join the Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy at Gardner-Webb University in Boiling Springs, North Carolina, where I continue to teach presently. Most of my teaching at GWU has been different levels of Koine Greek to both undergraduate and divinity school students. Beginning in the fall, I will begin offering seminars in the new GWU Master of Arts in Biblical Studies program.

“During the period from 1974 to the present I have had the opportunity to have a number of books and articles published both in the United States and in Germany. The full listing of these can be found at my web site, Cranford.com:http://cranfordville.com/Cranford/resumelc.htm. Some of these include an article in Billy Graham’s Decision Magazine and a couple of articles in the German Baptist Die Gemeinde magazine. Presently I am working on a commentary on Colossians in the Smyth-Helwys Bible Commentary Series.”

Larry Alston: President and Chief Executive Officer

Larry Alston serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Christ to the World Ministries, Inc.

A native of Shreveport, Louisiana, Larry grew up in New Orleans. He now lives in Longview, Texas. He and his wife Kim have been married for 33 years and have 3 grown children, sons-in-law(s) and 2 grandchildren, Luke (3 years) and Sutton (1 year)

He made a public profession of trusting Jesus Christ as his personal Savior at the age of 13.

He received a B.A. degree from the University of New Orleans in 1974 and attended American Management School in New York City, New York.

From the mid 1970’s to 1981, Larry worked for a multi-national corporation living in the United Kingdom and Europe.

In 1982, he founded and is the President and CEO of a privately held Investment company.

During a 2004 trip to Seoul, Korea, he met Dr. Billy Kim, a renowned Christian leader who was pastor a 16,000-member Baptist Church in Suwon, Korea. Dr. Kim was at the time President of Far East Broadcasting-Korea.

• Spurred by that meeting and led by the Holy Spirit, Larry committed his life to overtly share Jesus Christ throughout the world with people of every faith where they live and in ways which could be broadly understood.

• It was in 2004 that Christ to the World Ministries was founded.

• The Vision of Christ to the World Ministries is to lead people to know the one true God and come to understand the saving knowledge of Jesus; And to trust Jesus as Savior and Lord.

CTTW produces a combination of Resources centered upon the Word of God.

The resources are in the areas of pre-evangelism, evangelism, and discipleship. All of the resources use primarily the “storying” method through drama for conveying the truths of Scripture.

Christ to the World Ministries is working in countries across the world broadcasting the stories from the Bible in media related formats. (www.christtotheworld.com)

Ruth Bochte: Artist & Graphic Designer

Ms. Bochte does all of the art work and design for the study guides. Ms. Bochte is a native of North Dakota, the daughter of Rev. J. Richard Jones, a Presbyterian minister. She accepted Christ as her Savior at age eleven. She graduated as salutatorian from Mount Hope High School, Mount Hope, Alabama, and attended John C. Calhoun Community College in Decatur, Alabama. She earned the Associate in Applied Science degree in graphic design at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Ms. Bochte is married to Jim Bochte, and they have one daughter, Tessa, born December 27, 1990. They are members of the St. Andrew Presbyterian Church USA in Decatur, Alabama. Her hobbies include horseback riding, art, and writing.

Ms. Bochte serves on the staff of the Phil Waldrep Ministries, Decatur, Alabama, as graphic artist and designer.

Trent Butler

Coming soon…